Resolving a "Missing Driver" Error from COM/IP

When Windows raises an error indicating that it can not find the redirector driver, the following steps should fix the problem:

    1. Disable any anti-virus/malware programs on the PC.
    2. In the Windows Control Panel | Add/Remove Programs applet, uninstall COM/IP, if it is listed.
    3. In the Windows Device Manager, choose View | Show Hidden devices. On the right-hand pane, open the Non-Plug and Play Drivers section. On the "COM/IP Serial Driver" and "ciserial" drivers right-click and choose uninstall, if present.
    4. Delete the C:\Program Files\Tactical Software\ folder, if it is present.
    5. Rename the <windows folder>\system32\drivers\ciserial.sys file to ciserial.old, if it is present.
    6. Run the Microsoft Installer Fixer program located here:
      Please do not skip this step. This issue is most likely caused by some corruption in the Windows registry and running this program is the only way to fix it.
    7. Reboot the PC.
    8. Reinstall the latest version of COM/IP (do not use an older version) from a Windows command prompt with the following parameters: COMIP4912.exe /l*v c:\install_log.txt
If the error continues to occur, send the c:\install_log.txt and c:\windows\dpinst.log file (if present) to for analysis.